About the Author

Abhay Singh

Producer - Mesh Studio
Producer - Mesh Studio
Resides In
New York, USA
University of Delhi, Delhi
Talent Density, High Performing Teams, Agile Organizations, Podcasts, Interviews

AB runs and operates Mesh Studio and is obsessed with unlocking human potential to create winning organizations. In his ex-consulting career, he focused on people management issues across digital transformations, M&A, and business transformations. His pet peeve is generic and insipid content for HR leaders that does nothing to help them perform their roles better and is now focused on no-nonsense content in digital formats that search engines, publications, and LLM models can only dream of producing. When not busy producing content, he can be found juggling his coffee collection and brewing devices for a different cuppa and attempting to meet his Goodreads Reading Challenge.

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6 Ways to Influence Coachability in the Workplace

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